For the Pleasure of a Cup of Tea


Grace Flower Tea Sets WholesalePhoto Courtesy of Alibaba

I must have lost my mind that day; I had been brewing tea, sixteen ounces of what was to be a revitalizer to get my day going. We had a family tradition that good tea couldn’t be had in small portions. I eagerly removed the cover and watched the sweltering heat emitting from the cup, but it was still too hot. I sat down and my mind wandered off to the happy moment in contemplation of sipping on the hot beverage, that feeling of warmth touching my lips, slithering through my esophagus and then to vanish into my gut. Immediately blood rushed to my brain, my heart was racing and my toes tingled in expectation of just one cup of tea, closing my eyes I waited to indulge in its pleasure. Could a cup of tea really be so orgasmic; oh just another minute and all my happy hormones would be released with the first sip. Time had come, I slowly removed the cover yet again to let the aroma of peppermint and ginger massage my nostrils, put me in a trance and then seduce me. I prepared myself to participate in a cup of pleasure; resting my head on the back of my chair, I stretched out my feet, extended my arms and waited to be embraced by the aroma, but that hint of peppermint and ginger failed to escape the cup. Suddenly I’m in a different mood and now wide awake, but still I couldn’t fathom how essence could be trapped in a cup.

The events which led me to the kitchen that morning to make my usual cup of tea were still clear in my mind; the alarm of the kettle as it whistled, reaching for my special cup from the cupboard and alas a teabag from my select brand. I poured water from the kettle and awaited the essence of peppermint and ginger to be released as it brewed. Up until that moment I still had sane thoughts. I retraced my steps while speaking aloud to myself “ how could the teabag have eloped from the boiling hot water to hide away in the kitchen, refusing me the pleasure of my cup of tea”. I looked around the room to see if someone was playing with my head, but no, I was alone. I got up and stumbled to the kitchen and there it was; the teabag stretched out on the kitchen counter waiting with outstretched arms chiding me; “did you forget something honey? ” Anxiety must have got the best of me that me that morning my emotions a little premature, I still cannot comprehend the proceedings and that made me lose my mind and only for a cup of tea.


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