From My Wooden Room


Rain tapping on the aluminum roof like a steel band

the sound of thunder rumbling in the sky

and here I am listening to my heart beating

into my eardrum like an Abeng,

gazing through the window of my wooden room

I see heavy droplets of rain dancing on leaves,

cascading down stems,

lap dancing around tree trunks,

slithering down to the lush green grass,

forming glistening crystals,

but in here, my heart skips beats like missed notes.

The earth now drenched and waterlogged

flood habitats of the underground,

its inhabitants fleeing to find dry ground anywhere

Birds ousted from their nests,

seek refuge under my roof

A Hummingbird knocks at my window

trying to get in, rainbow curtains must have given

the illusion of a haven,

humans hopscotching over puddles in the road

trying to keep their feet dry,

a Plane hovering above

brings sad memories of a lost love

but in my wooden room,

the only sign of life is just me and my heart

beating… beating like an Abeng.

Copyright Roxann W. West

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